UPDATED ACTION ALERT: S.114 and H.R.766- Preventive Health Savings Act

S.114 and H.R.766- Preventive Health Savings Act

Two Bills were introduced into Congress S. 114 sponsored by Benjamin Cardin from MD and H.R. 766 sponsored by Michael Burgess from TX BOTH called the Preventive Health Savings Act.

This is a THE opportunity for all 59 million people who use integrative methods to support your health to let your Representatives know how these methods not only keep you healthy but cut costs. Take Action NOW!

This updated Action is to let your Representative know that now is the time to for an official study on true integrative methods of health and how it will:

  1. Improve overall health and well-being
  2. focus on prevention rather than just treatment of illness
  3. More individualized care

Which will:

  1. Lower cost for families across each State and Federally.
  2. Creates a comprehensive approach to healthcare.

These bills require the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), upon receiving a request from Congress, to determine if proposed legislation would reduce spending outside of the 10-year budget window through the use of preventive health and preventive health services.

  • “(B) the term ‘preventive health’ means an action that on the heath of the public, individuals, and defined populations in order to protect, promote, and maintain health and wellness and prevent disease, disability, and premature death that is demonstrated by credible and publicly available evidence from epidemiological projection models, clinical trials, observational studies in humans, longitudinal studies, and meta-analysis.”

If CBO determines that the legislation would result in substantial spending reductions from the use of preventive and preventive health services, a description and estimate of the spending reductions must be included in CBO projections.

After taking Action, check out how the Integrative Health Policy Consortium ‘have been working to urge Congress to support robust funding levels for federal agencies that directly and indirectly support the integrative healthcare community.

What is the one method you use to keep healthly?